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12 Pumpkin Skincare Products for Brighter Skin in 2021

What’s something that smells delicious, reminds us of autumn, and is one of our favorite ingredients for glowing skin? Pumpkin, you say? Correct! Here are some awesome pumpkin products for you to try for that natural, lit-from-within glow!

Why Pumpkin?

You might have heard that pumpkins are superfoods chock-full of nutrients and taste. But did you know these essential vitamins and minerals also provide amazing skin benefits? From softening the skin, keeping acne at bay, to preventing signs of aging.

Pumpkin seeds are loaded with vitamin E and fatty acids that help replenish the skin. It also contains other antioxidants, like carotene, lutein, and lycopene, which help protect the skin from environmental damage. For those curious, lycopene is a type of carotenoid pigment that gives pumpkins their bright orange color – it’s also found in other red fruits and vegetables like carrots and tomatoes.

On top of that, pumpkin has Vitamin C and beta-carotene (a Vitamin A derivative), which work together to soften the skin and boost collagen production to keep our skin youthful while preventing signs of aging.

The fruit enzymes and alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) naturally present in pumpkin can help brighten and even skin tone. That’s why it’s commonly used in skincare masks and scrubs for its mild exfoliating properties.

Where Can I Find It?

If you look at the ingredient list and don’t see the word “pumpkin,” don’t worry! Pumpkin is usually listed as “Cucurbita Pepo” in the ingredient list. You might also see Cucurbita Pepo Extract, Cucurbita Pepo Seed Extract, Cucurbita Pepo Fruit Extract, and Cucurbita Pepo Seed Oil.

Our Favorite Pumpkin Products

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