Slow down by picking up a book
That book you’ve been eyeing but “haven’t had time” to crack open? Pick it up and skim a few pages.
In this hyper-connected and digitalized world, I think we can all use a bit less stress and a lot more hygge in our lives. What exactly is hygge? Hygge (pronounced hoo-gah) is a Danish word defined as “a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being.” Read: The Art of Being Consciously Cozy. And this? This book is the ultimate hygge guide.
The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living
Make time to pamper yourself
In case you need a little reminder, sheet masks will do wonders for your face and overall mental state.
This honey mask is soaked with rich honey essence and will tap into all your senses. Your skin will feel soft and supple, your face will look visibly brighter, your nose will thank you, and your taste buds will start watering because your face smells like a dessert. Your mind, body, and soul will thank you for taking these 15-minutes to unplug, slow down, and treat yourself.
Papa Recipe Bombee Honey Mask
Take a break from the screens
Get up from your seat, leave your phone behind, walk to the kitchen, and make yourself a stress-relieving latte.
Touted for its anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric is an immensely healing superfood loaded with antioxidants. Sprinkle some into your morning citrus sunshine smoothie or enjoy it in the most calming and soothing nightcap latte. My go-to turmeric latte recipe: warm up milk (or nut milk of your choice), and stir in Manuka honey, cinnamon, turmeric, and 2 grinds of black pepper. Ahhhh~
Gaia Herbs Golden Milk
Treat yourself
Two words: Dark chocolate.
Cacao is a super bean-like seed from which all chocolate products are made. It is high in antioxidants, minerals, and magnesium, the latter of which makes cacao-anything a dear aid in busting that stress. My rule of thumb for chocolate bars: the darker the better. Don’t be afraid of pushing your limits on this. Fair warning though, anything beyond 86% gets a little hairy. Yes, I’ve tried baking cookies with 100% cacao in the name of health, and no I won’t be doing that again.
Ghirardelli Intense Dark Bar
Hit pause and reverse the effects of stress
There’s nothing a hot and fizzy bath can’t fix.
Stress adversely affects your breathing, strains your heart, damages your brain, weakens your immune system, and tenses your muscles. Kind of intense, yes, but did you know being immersed in water has been scientifically proven to help improve all of the above? So if you’ve been feeling hot and bothered, it’s time for a nice hot bath with some calming bath bombs.
HanZa Bath Bombs
Be open to seeking help & advice
Even if it’s in the form of books, podcasts like How I Built This and The Tim Ferriss Show, or TED Talks videos.
Life advice for anyone, really. Because, psst, we’re all creatives whether we fully embrace it or not. This book is made with so much realness, humor, and love by artist Adam J Kurtz with practical tips and advice like how to get started, and how to cope with the voices in your head. It’s the pep-talk you didn’t know you needed, and the perfect pick-me-up (he also made an “interactive book-journal-guide-thing” called Pick Me Up).
Side note: Best enjoyed with said cup of turmeric while taking a bath.
Things Are What You Make of Them: Life Advice for Creatives
Practice gratitude
“When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.” —Tony Robbins
Turn what you have been stressing over into what you’re grateful for. Stressed about work? I’m so grateful I have a job, to begin with. Stressed about relationships? I’m so grateful that I have people in my life who I care about deeply and who care about me. While you don’t need a gratitude journal to help you practice gratitude, I have found that I’m far more consistent when I have a physical manifestation and recording of something as intangible as gratitude.
5-Minute Journal
You’re stressed, it’s been a long day (or morning *insert girl shrugging emoji*), and you just need a moment to yourself. Here are a few of my favorite self-care related goodies from books to superfoods to wonderful smelling things that have helped me maximize that very much needed me-time in moments of high stress. You’d be surprised at what even 5 minutes of self-care can do to your overall mood.