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5 Refreshing Drinks & Herbal Teas to Sip on a Sunny Day

What do you do when you want to relax on a sunny day? Hint: drink tea! Teas, especially iced, help to keep you refreshed and hydrated. Not to mention, they’re filled with minerals, vitamins, and adaptogenic properties your skin and mind will love! Check out our recipes for these cooling beverages and herbal teas that will amp up your summery afternoon!

1. Golden Milk Smoothie

You know we love a delicious golden milk latte! Turmeric is packed with anti-inflammatory and potent antioxidant properties your acne-prone skin won’t say no to. Plus, a dash of black pepper is said to help strengthen its curcumin effects in the body. While turmeric lattes are great on their own, we have a smoothie recipe that can really take this blend up a notch!



  1. Combine all the ingredients with your milk of choice into a blender. Blend until smooth.
  2. Adjust consistency if necessary.
  3. Stir in your sweetener, pour, and enjoy!

2. Iced Ginger Turmeric Chai Latte

Ginger and turmeric – when combined together – make for a wonderful, superfood-filled concoction! They’re not only anti-inflammatory, but they’re also quite calming. Whether you’re looking to relax or you just love the taste of a good chai latte, definitely add this recipe to your menu!



  1. Pour hot water over the emptied sachet and stir.
  2. Mix in your maple syrup.
  3. Refrigerate for 3-4 hours.
  4. Add a few ice cubes and enjoy!

3. Chrysanthemum Tea

Remember those Asian chrysanthemum juice boxes you would take with you on the go? Now you can make them fresh! These beautiful flowers include a bunch of antioxidants, vitamins, and free radical-fighting benefits. Plus, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, they act as “coolants” which help those prone to fevers and heat strokes.



  1. Gently wash the chrysanthemum flowers.
  2. Boil water with rock sugar.
  3. Place dried chrysanthemum into a teapot and pour the hot water over.
  4. Let it simmer for up to an hour (don’t worry about over-simmering.)
  5. Pour and enjoy!
  6. For cold version, just steep chrysanthemum in a pitcher of cool/room temperature water and refrigerate for at least 12 hours.

4. Pomegranate Green Tea

Green tea is such a relaxing, year-round drink we can all enjoy! Infuse that with the fruity taste of pomegranate and raspberry, and you’re left with a healthy boost to get you through the day!



  1. Pour hot water over the tea bag and steep for 3 minutes.
  2. Refrigerate a pitcherful for a refreshing touch.
  3. Pour, add ice, and enjoy!

5. Black Goji Berry Lemonade

We’re bringing back this sweet beverage for the summer! Black goji berries contain potent antioxidants and powerful adaptogenic properties so you can function at your very best! Squeeze in some lemon juice and watch the beautiful deep blue-purple blend change into a beautiful pink!



  1. Give your goji berries a rinse under cold water 
  2. Transfer your goji berries into a pitcher and fill it with hot water. Let the berries steep for at least 5 minutes or until the water turns blue-deep purple in color and they get plump. 
  3. In a separate bowl, mix your honey and warm water.
  4. Add your honey water into the pitcher and stir well.
  5. Toss your ice cubes into the pitcher.
  6. Add your squeezed lemon juice.
  7. Stir until well incorporated and enjoy!

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Disclaimer: If you’re taking any medications, have food sensitivities, allergies, medical conditions or are pregnant, we encourage you to use your personal judgment and/or consult with a medical professional before trying out any of the recipes.

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