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Why It’s Important to Stay Hydrated This Summer (& All Year Long)

You’ve been waiting for summer all year and finally the sun’s out! As you cozy up to the warm weather, here’s a friendly reminder to keep your body from dehydrating.

Why is it important to hydrate your body?

Your mom might’ve told you to drink at least eight glasses a water a day and it probably went through one ear then straight out the other. But have you ever thought about why?

Your body is made up of 60% water and your internal systems depend on it to function properly. When you stay hydrated, all parts of your body such as cells, tissues, and organs use the water to help regulate temperature, remove waste, and lubricate your joints. Consistent hydration by drinking water can give your skin a healthier outlook, promote weight loss, and boost overall mood.

What happens if you’re not hydrated?

When you’re dehydrated, you’ll notice a decrease in energy levels, which leads to sleepiness, fatigue, moodiness, and grogginess. Not to mention that you’re more prone to make mistakes because mild dehydration can also affect your ability to think clearly.

In extreme cases, severe or prolonged dehydration will bring devastating effects to your body. These effects may include developing kidney stones, losing the function to sweat, vital internal organs shutting down, fainting, drop in blood pressure, overheating, and even death.

Myths about Hydration

Did you know that the recommendation of drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day is only partly correct? Because the amount of water consumed in a day depends on the person and their circumstances. For example, you may need to consume more than eight glasses to stay hydrated if you’ve worked out or spent a long day in the sun. For other people, fewer than eight glasses are sufficient for staying hydrated, but you should aim for at least 5-6 glasses of water a day.

Another myth is that drinking an enormous amount of water is helping your body stay hydrated. If you’ve ever thought about bringing a two liter bottle of water and attempted to chug it down in a short amount of time, you may want to reconsider. Generally it takes about 45 minutes for the body to rehydrate itself, but when you drink excessive amounts of water, you are actually poisoning your body. This is because over-hydration decreases sodium in the blood to dangerously low levels, which can escalate to mild or life-threatening problems.

How can you tell if you’re hydrated, dehydrated, or overhydrated?

It may sound gross but the color of your urine is the most accurate indicator of whether you’re hydrated, dehydrated, or overhydrated, among other symptoms. Here’s a breakdown:

When you are hydrated, you’ll notice the following: light yellow (or lemonade) colored urine during your repeated trips to the bathroom, reduced appetite from feeling full, lost weight, and a boost in energy and mood in addition to your normal bodily functions.

When you’re dehydrated, your body’s thirst response will trigger and cause you to feel parched or thirsty. Other noticeable symptoms may include: little or no urine or dark (bright yellow or amber) colored urine, dry mouth, headaches, confusion, lightheadedness, and even no production of tears when crying.

When you’re over hydrated, your urine is colorless. Other symptoms may include confusion, nausea, and vomiting. In extreme cases, untreated over-hydration may result in muscle spasms, seizures, unconsciousness, coma, or death.

So given the facts, it is best to drink water in moderation to avoid over-hydration or dehydration.

What can we eat or drink to stay hydrated?

While water is best for staying hydrated, other beverages and foods can contribute to your daily water intake. Yes, even your coffee and tea add to the amount of water you’re consuming in a day— although it might cause you to go to the bathroom frequently. Energy drinks, Jell-O, and even soups are also non-water alternatives to hydrate your body.

Water can also be found in fruits and vegetables but certain types hold more water than others. Here is a list of some fruits and veggies to snack on and keep hydrated:



For solutions to dehydrated skin this summer, check out our full video:
Top Serums & Moisturizers for Dry and Dehydrated Skin (Hydrating vs Moisturizing)

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