15 beauty tips I learned as a model

Beauty is a part of all our lives, yet we all perceive beauty differently. As a model living in New York and being surrounded by so many creative people in the fashion industry, I learned quite a few beauty tips in the past 6 years. 

Throughout my journey, the balance of internal and external beauty has always been on my mind. Sometimes, I would embody a sense of inner peace with myself and my surroundings, but it didn’t surface to my outer appearance. I may have looked fab at other times, but internally, I didn’t feel the same way. So it’s truly an art of balance, but there were many times when I was able to find my center, and here I hope that sharing some of these tips with you will help you on your journey as well!


  1. It all starts from your gut
  2. When it comes to makeup, less is more
  3. Curling your lashes can uplift your eyes
  4. Treat yourself with compassion
  5. Always moisturize your face before starting your makeup
  6. The power of a highlighter
  7. Exfoliation is key
  8. A holistic approach to beauty
  9. Don’t forget the neck
  10. Always wear sunscreen
  11. Find your skin’s undertone
  12. Always remove your makeup before going to bed
  13. Treat a bad hair/skin day with patience

  14. Always check the ingredient list

  15. Don’t forget to smile while putting on that blush blush

1. It all starts from your gut

I can’t emphasize this enough, but everything starts from the mighty gut. If your gut is healthy, then all is well, your skin is glowing, and your hair is shiny and strong. So how do you have a strong gut? It all starts with what you eat in the morning because that’s when your body needs the most energy. 

turmeric black pepper

After I wake up, the first thing I do is drink hot water with a pinch of turmeric and black pepper. The curcumin in turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Having this as the first drink of the day wakes up my stomach and helps to improve digestion and metabolism. 

And then, I start my day with meditation, followed by some healthy breakfast.

2. When it comes to makeup, less is more

Every makeup artist I got to know always told me that less is more when it comes to makeup. In concept, you may think that lathering up more layers of makeup can make your skin look perfect, but it’s best to approach makeup minimally as a last resort to cover up skin imperfections for that my-skin-but-better look.

I view makeup as a tool to enhance your natural beauty and not to take away from it. It’s not to make you look like a totally different person unless you’re going for that.

For my skin, I usually apply concealer with a concealing brush for my under-eye area and any other spots that need to be covered. That’s pretty much all that I do for my daily makeup, especially on hot days, since it doesn’t cake or crack my skin.

Here are some of my favorite concealers that just melts into your skin:

3. Curling your lashes can uplift your eyes

I undermined this advice for a very long time until I saw the huge difference it made. The beauty of curling your lashes is that it almost wakes you up and lets you see the world in a different light. It makes your eyes go from droopy to bright and beautiful.

For those with longer lashes, you don’t even need to use any mascara after curling them, but if you want that extra lift, then go for it. And you will definitely be smizing (“smiling with your eyes”) all day.

eye lash curler

4. Treat yourself with compassion

I believe that compassion, kindness, and understanding can go a long way and help us resolve many conflicts. Although life can have many ups and downs, we should remember to love and care for our mental and physical well-being. Take time to be grateful for what you have, including your body which carries you around in everything you want to achieve. Our physical bodies are, after all, our lifelong partners that bear everything with us. Always remember to be kind to yourself!


5. Always moisturize your face before starting your makeup

It’s important to start your makeup with a clean face. Otherwise, you can increase the chances of making your skin appear flaky or textured. Start off your routine with a gentle facial cleanser to set the foundation right. Then you can apply your favorite moisturizer (and sunscreen) before you start your makeup. I notice some makeup artists blending moisturizer with the foundation as a way to make sure the skin remains nice and hydrated.

Here are some of my favorite go to’s:

6. The power of a highlighter

This is another powerful tool for glowing and shining skin. To create that glowy look, I’d go out in the sun and take note of the parts of my face that catch the most sunlight. For most, the areas include the highest points of the cheek, the nose, middle of the forehead, upper lip, and chin. After taking note, I’d go over these areas with a highlighter to create an instant dewy glow. I find that this is my favorite step to do especially when heading out all day. 

For inspiration, here are some highlighters that I love because they melt into your skin and create an extra glow.

7. Exfoliation is key

Another important tip I learned is regularly exfoliating for both the face and the entire body. There are many benefits to exfoliating, such as removing dead skin, keeping your skin soft and supple, and leaving you smelling amazing. 

I also like to dry brush once in a while to help blood circulation and it encourages proper flow for your lymphatic system.

8. A holistic approach to beauty

As much as you may need skincare products, you can try to incorporate homemade recipes into your routine, which are more natural and can give you long-term benefits when used consistently. I especially enjoy using my mom’s homemade recipes for skin and hair, which I ask her about during our FaceTime sessions. I also research recipes online, and the fun thing is that most of these ingredients are in the kitchen, so it’s super easy to whip something together and try the recipes for yourself.

CHickpea Yogurt

9. Don’t forget the neck

We get so used to looking at our faces that we often forget to extend our skincare products down to the neck. As we age, this can cause our neck and face to look different, especially in color and texture. The same can apply to other body areas such as elbows, knees, and heels, so don’t forget to give them extra attention and love!

As for makeup, you can focus a little more on spreading your foundation to your ears and neck to even out your skin tone. Even if these areas don’t seem as major, extending our makeup to our neck and ears can help accentuate your face and give you a brighter look.

10. Always wear sunscreen

Sunscreen is a must regardless of rain or shine. Even if you’re indoors, you’re still exposed to artificial light. Being a model is no exception. I usually stand in front of harsh lights and cameras for every shoot I do, so I need to add this step to protect my skin against harmful light and delay the aging process.

Here are some sunscreens I’ve been especially enjoying:

11. Find your skin’s undertone

While working on a shoot, I was surprised to learn that the color of your veins can tell you what undertones you have, and this can help you find your matching foundation! Here’s a quick guide on how to find your undertone based on the color of your veins:

Green: Warm or olive undertones

Blue-purplish: Cooler undertones

Neither or in-between: Neutral undertones

12. Always remove your makeup before going to bed

After a particularly long day, the last thing I want to do is go through a tedious skincare routine. This is especially so during the super-busy Fashion Week. At the beginning of my career, I used to get so tired that I would sleep with makeup on, although I know it’s terrible for my skin. Now, I’m gradually learning the importance of removing all my makeup to prevent clogged pores and keeping skin hydrated and well-nourished.

Some really magical makeup remover I came across and still use are:

13. Treat a bad hair/skin day with patience

Give your skin some time to heal and trust in the process. Even if you feel frustrated or intimidated by that one pimple and want to pop it to get it done with, give your skin the time to break out and heal itself. Take this moment to listen closely to your skin and give extra attention to your body and lifestyle habits to unwind and destress.

Sometimes, our skin can change whenever we go through our menstrual cycles. For me, my skin becomes dry and crackly around this time, so I’ll take extra time to apply more hydrating creams and face masks into my routine. By listening to my skin, I know I can help my skin become healthier and loved again.


14. Always check the ingredient list

With a plethora of skincare products and so many exciting launches, it’s normal for us to want to try everything – myself included. I love trying new products, both skincare and body care, and it makes me super excited to try out all these interesting formulations. Until one day, my skin started reacting to the products. This is when I started to understand the importance of checking the ingredients list. After some observation, I found out that my skin wasn’t reacting well to hyaluronic acid and vitamin C. Shocking, right? But once I found out which ingredients caused my reactions, I was able to cut down on the product searching process, since hyaluronic acid is present in many products. So if you’re like me and have sensitive skin, it’s best to check the ingredients list before making a purchase. Your skin will thank you!

Here are some products without hyaluronic acid that I’m loving right now:

15. Don’t forget to smile while putting on that blush blush

It’s said that a smile is the best makeup any girl can wear, but I also think it’s a great technique for applying blush. By smiling, you can find the highest point of your cheekbones and use that area to blend all the way upwards towards the hairline. What you get is a natural flush of color that makes you look like you’re always blushing from joy.

For me, blush is also a great reminder to find things that make me happy. It’s as simple as spending a day out with friends, being in nature, going on an adventure, helping others, or drinking your favorite coffee at a nice cafe. Whatever it may be, don’t stop looking for things that bring you joy as they’ll change up your life and boost your positivity.

Here are some of my personal favorites:

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